#SupaThought: Beyonce is so Sospwa

…well I most certainly will not

I never wanted to write on this subject but because she’s popular and EVERYWHERE all the time, it’s inevitable. I touched upon it briefly with the Inauguration 2013 scandal using humor to make a few points but I didn’t really get into it. The subject topic: Beyoncé. Or should I say BEYONCE?… because that itself is the problem.

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#SupaThought: the Revolution will not be televised…it will be YouTube’d


Yes, Racism exists and bigots still have a supernatural ability to outlive the average human being. But despite all the evils in the world there are still good people out there, who continuously do good things. And our natural being, the science of Life proves racism wrong every time. They promote love and equality and they do not judge or condemn. These people will help change the world just by being themselves. Whenever I come across them my heart smiles and my soul sings.

I’ve compiled a few faves for you…..

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PEACE!…and I’m out! Pope Benedict XVI resigns


Surrounded by controversy from the moment he stepped onto the pontifical scene, German born Joseph Aloisius Ratzingerthe man we now know as Pope Benedict XVI, has proven once again that you can’t stop the Shining. Rumors of homosexual activity, secret boyfriends and Catholic sex scandal conspiracies have all been whispered (not so quietly) as the reason for the resignation. The first resignation by a pope since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, and the first to do so on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294. Did I mention he was also said to have once upon a time been associated with the Nazi party?

The whole concept of the “pope” perplexes me. As a self-proclaimed Spiritualist I will always say that I have never been very Religious. Instead I believe in building and upholding a relationship with the great Spirit, the Creator. Religion has always been too ritualistic for me and no matter how many arguments I hear for the contrary, they all come off as the same whether we’re talking Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, or Judaism. Same thing, different language. The only difference and ironically the biggest factor is the way these religions are interpreted followed by the manifestations of the interpretations. Man made laws and judgement of others, waging wars and violations of basic human rights comes from the misinterpretation of religion. Sometimes I think Religion was created just to keep the people divided, but I digress. Back to the pope…

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#SupaThought – The Earth is falling apart and its all your fault! ….Or its the Apocalypse.


It’s going down America!!!! This is it! We did it…we freaking did it! Human Beings are successfully killing their home. FANTASTIC! Either that or Prophecies are being fulfilled.

Here’s a brief summary on The Happening (pun intended):

The sea is turning red in some parts of the world, in others its foaming and covering everything in its way. Animals are dying left and right and natural disasters from earthquakes and tsunamis to tornadoes and devastating flooding. The most worrisome to me are the strange noises….

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